🪁 Projects

Marta's Awesome Weather App

Also known as the MAWA, this really cool app was created so you never get out of your house with too many or not enough layers.

It'll tell you the weather from wherever you are, right now as well as a nice little handy forecast of five days. Yes, five days! Who knew they could predict weather so far. And also, if you're day dreaming about your next holiday (any day now, gals!) you can check out the weather at you favourite destinations, anywhere around the globe!

Check it out!


AlcapaLand was a little beautiful landpage that will introduce you to the wonderful world of alpacas. Ever seen one in real life? You can't help falling for them.

Did you know that they will protect other animals from predators or intruders? Or that they are very friendly? Or that they produce yearly this really amazing wool that you can sell or do amazingly worm stuff with?

Wanna know more?

Check it out!

Codi Cooperatiu's website

This is the new website we created for the cooperative I'm working for, Codi Cooperatiu. It is made with the CMS Wagtail (have a peak at it!) and it was a wonderful learning experience.

Check it out!