About me🍀

Photo of Marta holding a beautiful frozen leaf.

I am a junior frontend developer that only a while ago even started to think about coding. I originally studied Psychology, but then decided that being a therapist was a little too intense for me. Not that coding isn't intense, as far as I can tell, but in a different way.

I tried different things, worked different jobs, and travelled and lived in very different countries. And around three years ago, in one of those turns that life likes to take every once in a while, I made a plan. I've always wanted to live outside of cities, a bit off grid and with a community. And why not go on and do it?

So I came back to Barcelona with three goals: to learn how to code so I had the flexibility to work online from wheverer, to meet like-minded people and to go live in the countryside where nice. So far, it's going good. I got immensely lucky to meet some wonderful people, and the plans to leave the city are full speed ahead. And the coding? I did think I was going to like it, but I truly enjoy it. I've been working in this cooperative with two friends for some months now, and we are building it strong and really enjoying it. So yeah, sometimes plans work. Who knew?

Some of my favourite things

Photo of some lovely autumn squash by Luke Southern

Autumn Squash

Photo of an inflatable unicorn at the sea by Meritt Thomas


Photo of a peaceful libray by Shunya Koide


Photo of a yummy looking plate of veggie food

The countryside

Photo of my cool roller skates

Roller skating

Photo of some chocolate cake by Pushpak Dsilva

and Chocolate!